UCAN Founders, Delphine Sellars & Lucille Patterson

Who We Are

Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals is the backbone of Urban Community AgriNomics. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop. Read on to learn more about some of our incredible team members.

Board of Directors

Discover the individuals behind UCAN's impactful work: our dynamic board members. Each brings diverse expertise and passion, shaping our mission with their unique perspectives.

Sabre Morris

Board Chair

Michael Nye


Quinton Pettiford

Board Member

Kindra Holden

Board Member

Brianne Cellemme-Short

Board Member

Irma Price

Board Member

Seana Finn

Board Member

Patrick McGarry

Board Member

Derrick Watson

Board Member


Our passionate staff members bring expertise, commitment, and innovation to everything they do, making a difference in our community every day. Learn more about the incredible individuals driving UCAN's mission forward.

Delphine Sellars

Co-founder & Executive Director

Lucille Patterson

Co-founder & Assistant Director

Justin Wooley

Associate Director

Aniya Bourne

Assistant Director of Content & Marketing

Zaetiah Collins

Intern - Youth Programming Coordinator

Lauren Robertson

Garden Manager & Youth Conservation Crew Leader

Our Roots

Prior to receiving its nonprofit status in 2016, UCAN worked in the community with and for other nonprofits to reduce food insecurity, prevent and reverse health issues, augment the academic success of our children and create healthy families. In November 2017 we finalized our User License Agreement with TLC for the use of their Snow Hill IV property.  

In January 2018 Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN) began reclaiming this dilapidated historic farmstead into Catawba Trail Farm (CTF) and Community Garden. By spring we had cleared a densely wooded pasture and constructed a 10’ fence around the perimeter of a 47 raised bed garden. By the end of 2019 UCAN members, volunteers and supporters enclosed an additional ¾ acre that includes a small orchard, in-ground planting area and chicken coop.  

We rely heavily on volunteers who have been instrumental in helping us to create a safe infrastructure. Volunteers assisted in clearing overgrown field areas, construction of raised garden beds, cutting and stacking firewood, repurposing natural resources and removal of unsafe structures and farm operation debris. We hire contractors to complete work that requires expertise in a given area, such as building deconstruction and restoration, well drilling for water, tree trimming and removal and initial land clearing.  

UCAN has been able to accomplish a lot with an average annual budget of $26,000. Funds are acquired through individual donations, the sale of vegetables, garden plots and seasoned firewood and small grant awards. 

UCAN growth plan is rooted in increasing value and visibility through engagement with local schools, youth groups and farm and food related organizations. UCAN is working with low income communities and local schools in teaching healthy food preparation and preservation, addressing relevant issues, teaching life skills that encourage academic and career success and distributing fresh food to those in need. Eventually we will clear an additional 2 acres to provide space for new and aspiring farmers. 

Growing Communities One Seed at a Time!


Growing Communities One Seed at a Time! 〰️

Growing Communities One Seed at a Time!


Growing Communities One Seed at a Time! 〰️

Cultivating Changes with Purpose & Passion


Duke Campus Farm

Duke Men’s Basketball

Duke University

Ellerbe Creek Watershed Academy (ECWA)

Elijah’s Farm

Empowered Parents in Community (EPiC)

Engineers Without Borders

Eno River Association

Farmer FoodShare

Farm Credit Carolina


SEEDS Durham

Society of St. Andrews

Tasker Hill Farm

Town Princeville

Triangle Community Foundation

Triangle Day School

Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC)

Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church

United Service Foundation


Watts Street Baptist Church

A&T State University Cooperative Extension

AED Durham Soil and Water


Benny Boy Farm

Burt's Bees

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

CIP/EFOD/Durham County Food Security

Communities in Partnership (CIP)


Conservation Corps North Carolina

Conservation Fund

Conservation Legacy

Conservation Trust for North Carolina

Durham Academy

Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill

Durham Congregations in Action

Durham Merchants Association

Durham Middle Ground Homeschool 4H Gardening Club

Durham Open Space and Trails

Durham Police Athletic League (DPAL)

Durham Public Schools (DPS)

Durham Soil & Water

Granville Gardeners

Hellendall Family Foundation of NC

Hillside High School

Johnson Service Corps

Keep Durham Beautiful


Meredith College

Mt Level Missionary Baptist Church

Museum of Life & Science

Murphy’s Naturals

NC A&T State University

NC Cooperative Extension

NC State University

New Hope Audubon Society (NHAS)

Outdoor Afro RDU

Partners for Youth Opportunity

PHE, Inc.

Piedmont Electric

Purpose Learning Lab

RAFI’s Farmer of Color Network

PHE, Inc.

Piedmont Electric

Purpose Learning Lab

Piedmont Electric

Purpose Learning Lab

RAFI’s Farmer of Color Network

Spotlight: Noteworthy Features

Explore UCAN's journey and impact as we've been honored with features in various articles and news outlets. Dive into these stories to discover the transformative work we're doing in our community.

Garden & Gun


Spectrum News

Landscape Architecture Magazine